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The Museum's heritage, which is constantly being enriched, needs contributions from entities or individuals, because it is the shared strength that provides the economic sustainability that makes it possible to keep it alive, make it grow more and more, make it visible at every level, make it an educational hub, and stimulate collective curiosity and awareness about the topic and the important social impact of insurance. That is why we are constantly looking for donors, well-wishers and ordinary members. It is not often that we have the opportunity to contribute to the dissemination of insurance knowledge, at all levels and for all people.
The Museum can spark interest in students and the younger generation by conveying, through its origins and history, the value of the social role that insurance plays, and by offering a sense of security and well-being resulting from the perception that one can protect oneself from risk.
Equally important is being able to inspire the future of insurance in terms of new ideas, careers, and positive attitudes.
The future of the Museum requires a significant financial effort. It is really important to help support it.